Love Nature

5 Benefits: Eating with the seasons

Rhythm is quite essential for the body. 

We have our Circadian rhythm, an internal clock which helps us regulate our sleep patterns, working with the sun and skylight. We also have our sensory rhythm, usually effected by frequency waves like sound. This mainly impacts growth in children, but can actually have a direct effect on our own ability to process movement. A women’s menstrual cycle is directly correlated with the lunar cycle etc.

We are rhythmic beings – we like routine, whether we realise it or not. Its almost like we were designed perfectly according to nature (hint hint: WE WERE!) 

But with the rapid pace of modern life, the availability of just about everything, the convenience of day-to-day living…we’ve lost our way a bit.

The Seasons are just about the best set of guides we have for our body, especially when it comes to food, something our ancestors knew. In fact, they didn’t need to know since they were more or less forced to eat with the seasons.

Our Ancients didn’t have the means to preserve food like we do today, or spray vegetables with chemicals to make them grow in a season they never could naturally. Nor did they really have mass imports from countries half-way across the world. Of course it happened in small amounts for the rich and wealthy, but the ordinary folk ate as their climate allowed them. And that is really how it should be.

The months go as follows

For example, in the Autumn time, the body goes through a natural detox, since this is the month of transition, and slowing down-provided that it is not overloaded with unhealthy foods.


1) Fresh is more nutritious

Eating with the seasons means you are eating in tune with nature, the foods that are available to you at that time of the year, and so with such freshness to these foods, of course nutrients are much more naturally available.  Summer fruits, especially those grown in your country, will benefit from ripening naturally in the summer sun, for example


In a completely uncontrolled, natural and wild environment, trying to grow strawberries in the cold would be folly. The plant would not yield any fruits and for good reason. Strawberries are not really supposed to be eaten at this time of year, at least not for many in Northern Europe. Of course in the modern day we have the means to grow many vegetables and fruits long after the harvest as well as other warmer countries to ship from. It sounds great in theory: the same fruits and vegetables all year round. Well, maybe not.


There are ample studies showing the the decline of a fruit or vegetables’ vitamin content from day one of being picked compared to the time it gets to your plate, especially if these foods are being imported from overseas with climates much warmer and vastly different to yours. 

As well as this, there is an old belief


But what about preservatives? I hear you ask. Well, preservatives can be one of the worst things for your health, but also some of the best. Take canned vegetables for example. Some contain additives which allow the juice or brine or water to hold the contents for longer. As well as this, many are lined with BPA. 

Of course, the idea of canning food has been round for a long time, but the boom of preserving in this way, took place across the two World Wars and has naturally become a part of our norm. But is it really necessary for us to do this anymore, when fresh foods are so accessible?


On the other hand, this can sometimes be a bonus for your health. Take the process of fermentation for example. From German cuisine, Sauerkraut has risen to prominence across the world for its amazing gut-healing and probiotic qualities. And what is sauerkraut? Well, its just cabbage and salt, and once prepared properly and allowed to ferment for a couple of weeks, this delicious vegetable is able to preserve itself for months even years.

In this situation, the actual act of preserving gives more nutrients to the cabbage than eating it alone. And this is similar for many root vegetables which may present defense chemicals when growing. 

Veggies like beans can be better prepared in such away, since the act of fermenting acts as a pre-digestion, and breaks down two of the starches which your gut struggles to diges

2) Allows for a natural Detox

When we eat with the seasons, the 

3) Sustainability and supporting your local Farmers

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4) Expands your tastes

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