Love Nature

About us

Health by the Hearth is a home for those seeking an alternative way of living through their food habits and lifestyle.

 Here we return to roots. We believe in simple living as a means for health and happiness, and though this is an age-old concept here in the West, it is often overlooked.

Here we encourage Ancestral eating.

 Ancestral eating is one of the best ways to optimise your health, from example of your ancestors, most of whom had fantastic health, strength, agility and very little of the health problems we see in the modern world. 




Our logo depicts the Flame. A symbol of the hearth, health, home and heart.

Our hearth is always lit. May it provide you with light as you gain the wisdom of your ancestors on a journey of self-and-soul nourishment.

‘May is be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out’

Lady Galadriel. The Two Towers. JRR Tolkien

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