Love Nature

Building Muscle on An ancestral diet

Rhythm is quite essential for the body. We have our Circadian rhythm, an internal clock which helps us regulate our sleep patterns, working with the sun and skylight. We also have our sensory rhythm, usually effected by frequency waves like sound. This mainly impacts growth in children, but can actually have a direct effect on our own ability to process movement. A women’s menstrual cycle is directly correlated with the lunar cycle etc.

We are rhythmic beings – we like routine, whether we realise it or not. Its almost like we were designed perfectly according to nature.

But with the rapid pace of modern life, the availability of just about everything, the convenience of day-to-day living…we’ve lost our way a bit.

The Seasons are just about the best set of guides we have for our body, especially when it comes to food, something our ancestors knew. In fact, they didn’t need to know since they were more or less forced to eat with the seasons.

Our Ancients didn’t have the means to preserve food like we do today, or spray vegetables with chemicals to make them grow in a season they never could naturally. Nor did they really have mass imports from countries half-way across the world. Of course it happened in small amounts for the rich and wealthy, but the ordinary folk ate as their climate allowed them. And that is really how it should be.

The months go as follows

For example, in the Autumn time, the body goes through a natural detox, since this is the month of transition, and slowing down-provided that it is not overloaded with unhealthy foods.

Summer: Plentiful

Autumn: Slowing down

Winter: Rest

Spring: Rebirth

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